
Meal Prep Landing Page

For about a year, I’ve been building a small audience of Instagram followers with my Sunday meal prep, #RealPrep. Every Sunday, I prep and post to my Instagram story what I’m eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week. I cook everything for breakfast and lunch but for dinner I simply chop and store the veggies I’ll be using for each meal. It is the most sustainable method of meal prepping I’ve found for my lifestyle.

I began receiving a few requests for recipes or lists of the ingredients and processes I was showing in my Instagram stories. To fulfill this request I decided I was going to make a small PDF guide showcasing some of my more frequently prepped recipes.

I had recently heard of Mailchimp’s Landing Page Builder so I decided to check it out. It is free and super easy to use! In under 30 minutes I had filled in my landing page content to collect names and email addresses and picked out a cover image from Unsplash.

The PDF I created features 5 recipes: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, and 3 dinners plus prep tips and a grocery shopping list. The PDF is linked to the submit button on the form portion of the landing page. This way, when someone is interested in downloading my free #RealPrep PDF, all they have to do is enter their name and email address in the form to be able to access the download.

This was a fun (and small) lesson for me with audience building, marketing, and using Mailchimp. If you have any interest in meal prepping you can download my PDF here:


Lexa Wakefield