A mobile app to make saving money easier and hold you accountable to your financial goals

Hey Pal

 A mobile app to make saving money easier and hold you accountable to your financial goals

A mobile app to make saving money easier and hold you accountable to your financial goals

 App Site Map

App Site Map

 Wireframes for the quit saving flow— users must solve puzzles to bail on their goals

Wireframes for the quit saving flow— users must solve puzzles to bail on their goals

 Testing revealed that users mental model around saving was oriented to how much money they could spare vs when they wanted to reach their goal, which informed key design changes

Testing revealed that users mental model around saving was oriented to how much money they could spare vs when they wanted to reach their goal, which informed key design changes

 A selection of screens from the add a goal flow above and the quit saving flow below

A selection of screens from the add a goal flow above and the quit saving flow below
